Teaching and Extension

Apiculture as a field of interest in the Departamento de Agronomía of the UNS was incorporated by offering Apiculture as an optional course for the Professional Cycle of the Agronomical Engineering Career, and training and graduate courses for professionals. Its academic competence and its location in the principal honey producing region of the country have been the basis for the creation of the career Apiculture Universitary Technician (Técnico Universitario Apícola) in 2003.

Several members of the LabEA have taught or collaborated in the teaching of the following graduate courses: Melissopalynology, Importance and measuring of color in agrifood products, Advanced entomology topics with emphasis on Apiculture, Actuopalynology. Basic principles and applications, Food primary production technology. Honey production and quality, IV Basic palynology course applied to honey typification, and III Basic palynology course applied to honey typification.

The activities developed in the LabEA regarding extension and link-up have contributed in articulating the actions of numerous institutions with the actors of the productive complex and also in training them. The EEA INTA Bordenave had a substantial role in the constitution of an apiculture matrix in the region in which 60% of the beekeepers are involved at present. An appropriate space for exchange of experiences and knowledge among the different actors of the beekeeping chain has been generated and minimizes the technological gap between research and production.